Look around. Especially North to N/E.

There's a small chamber under Jill's lounge room (about 1 meter or so down) that has a
hidden entrance near the large water bottle that is near the
main chamber's entrance. There's a girl in there. She doesn't move at all but is still living.

The close thing 2 nights back 1st May 2021

Connected to the above close thing and should be found
and gotten rid of.

Check The Yellow Pin That Is Above The Rectangle
That Has The Other Yellow Pin In It.

The Armed Boat Fridge Will One Day Be The Epicentre Of
An Explosion That Will Destroy The Coast And In Land (4 -7 Hills Back)
In The Perth Hills And Up The South Coast. It Should Be Observed Constantly. 

- Albert Einstein

BoatFridge. 7 Hills Back. Big Wave.

This one got a special introduction when being presented to me.
have a good look for it. May be soon.

Big North bomb/missile. May be camouflaged or partially

This ICBM May Have Fallen Off The Shelf To The South.
If It Has It Will Be In The 1st Or 2nd Dimple In The Sand
Below The Pin. May Be Even Further.

Emergency Relief & Food Access Service
1800 979 777

24°59'7.62"N  66°58'2.98"E   tragedy

They went straight to Karachi from Karratha about 6 days ago and
were left in a shed near the treatment ponds on the harbour edge
and are now  gone. They were drowned in the sea container and left
at the above coordinate.

If you're having problems with Corona or SARS
try putting a sonic bug zapper on the bit that hurts.
In fact try it with anything that wont give up
and see if it helps.
If it doesn't help with chest pain or even makes it worse
stop. Maybe try the vertebrae behind the chest or the lower
right side of your torso down on the front of your pelvis.

Local Underground Chambers

John Samson or Simpson 10 years old - Direk SA or Flinder's Ranges Town - missing
Boy from Katoomba 12 years old - missing
5 missing from Hawker Area Primary School in the last year
12 year old boy missing from Hawker perished 7 months ago (Aug 21) cannibalized locally (yes  eaten)

2 major funnel blocks may mean too rough for West side Pacific story.

Attention Jack Nicholson Fans.
Confirm the civil engineering above.
Access to the underground installation the tunneling is emanating
from is in a town called Juan Guerra in Peru.
The potential disaster from Kilauea being blocked
West and South is enormous. The rearrangement of
New Zealand and it's affect manifest on the
Eastern coast line of Australia. On and on.

contact  :  zler@vfemail.net