To make H4O (heavy water) you need to put 4 drops of high quality
(36%) HCL in to 600mls of spring or distilled water and leave it for
   48 hours until it has created it's best result and then drain the bottom 20%
 of the vessel it's in and that will be almost all H4O. If you leave it for a month
it will almost all be H40.

When you've done this for 48 hours add to the 120mls of H4O you have 33% of that
amount or 40mls of D2O or Deuterium Oxide and you'll have a good quality
heavy water. If you've kept it for a month add 33% the amount of 500mls of the H4O you've
drained from the bottom of the 600ml water bottle as D2O. It will be 166mls of D2O added
to the 500mls of H40 you've harvested.

You can make this in any volumes you can afford (staying with the ratios) and
the more D2O you put with the H4O the more powerful it's healing effects are.

Heavy water is good for all sorts of stuff but especially for mild (or greater) cyanide poisoning,
especially long term.

The 2 blue links above will take you to good quality and reasonably priced
Hydrochloric Acid and Deuterium Oxide.

Discuss this with knowledgeable people you know or talk to your chemist about it.

If you need funds for it try The Salvation Army

Get Well :)

Lance Rann   copyright   2021