The evidence from the top pic has been moved to the pic underneath.

Dudley May be Kooyong

The Story Of The Orange Haired Boy
21st Oct to 26th Oct 2020

From the pic at the top there is a series of coordinates. He was assaulted in #1a and then
transported by car to #2 for some 1st aid. He was then transported by car to #3 and then via a tunnel
to #4  and assaulted again. He was then taken back through the tunnel and transported  to #5 where he was cut
having things removed without anaesthetic and then transported by car to #6 for more of the same. After this
he was taken (on the pic under the top pic) by car to #7 for 2 days and then went by car to #8 or #8a.

A nuclear device has been placed or dropped in to New York Harbour next to the island with the Statue of Liberty on it. It is about 110 Yards in front of the statue on the torch side. They should be informed after some research to confirm it's presence.
11:17PM New York Time 30th Oct 20 is the pic upload time.

nb. The pin position may be further up the Western side of the island so check the S/W quadrant.
Detonation may be linked to Thanksgiving also the incumbent after the US election may be factored in to it's timing. The presence of any threat should be varified immediately.

11:10 AM Tue 27th Oct

Either in or underneath here a few days ago an Asian woman was immersed
in venom and water until dead. The same happened 2 weeks ago
North to Belmont. Probably a chamber.
The above building also contains a still functional electronic oven room for whatever the business
was manufacturing. Should be monitored for nefarious uses.
May have been used about a month ago with a missing person associated with it.
Female, late teens , 2 house blocks South and West from the Belmont Ave end of Dudley St.

Associated with Dudley/Kooyong Girl.

                                                                     31°57'47.28"S 115°55'8.05

The little volcanoes leading South/West on the pic above this one
lead to the 3 yellow pins on the above pic S/W of the island.
St Pauls. Check out Frigate 38D 44' 10.85"S  77D 19' 56.77"E.

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  copyright     Lance Rann     2020