Here's a little story 'bout a chick named 31°57'45.14"S 115°55'33.74"E -
Livin' in the rear of the pink lit little shed -
Then one day she was rippin' off some beans -
And made a f_-kin' fortune while me cousins got the lean
(To the tune of the Beverley Hill Billies)
31°57'35.40"S 115°55'36.45"E (50M Nth - 20M Wst - 12M Sub)
31°57'10.12"S 115°55'12.21"E
31°56'59.77"S 115°55'9.64"E (12M Sub)
31°42'45.94"S 116°10'4.07"E
32° 3'54.96"S 115°59'46.76"E
Gas Exploration May Be Happening Here.
It Should Be Seriously Questioned As To Safety.
Very Very Careful.
All ICBMs Should Be Satellite Researched.
ICBM1 Is Hot ICBM2 Is Very Warm.
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copyright Lance Rann 2020